What Are The Best Cbd Books?

What Are The Best Cbd Books?

The world of CBD can be confusing, especially with new information popping up daily. So, where do you begin? Diving into books can be a great way to gain knowledge and make informed decisions about incorporating CBD into your life. But with so many options on the shelves, finding the “right” one can feel overwhelming.

Fear not, fellow curious souls! This guide will introduce you to some of the best CBD books, catering to both beginners and those looking to delve deeper.

For the CBD Newbie

For the CBD Newbie
  • “CBD: A User’s Guide” by Martin A. Lee: This comprehensive guide, written by a leading cannabis expert, offers a clear and unbiased overview of CBD. It covers the basics of what CBD is, its potential benefits, different consumption methods, and safety considerations. It’s a great starting point for anyone new to the world of CBD.
  • “CBD Oil for Beginners” by Heather Ash and Alex Johnson: This user-friendly book focuses on the practical aspects of using CBD oil. It offers clear information on selecting a quality product, understanding dosages, and incorporating CBD into your daily routine. Think of it as your personal CBD coach in book form!
  • “The CBD Bible” by Dr. Dani Gordon: This book goes a step further, exploring the science behind CBD and its potential benefits for various health conditions. Dr. Gordon, a medical cannabis practitioner, provides well-researched information in an accessible way, making it ideal for those seeking a deeper understanding of CBD’s potential.

Ready to Graduate from CBD 101?

  • “CBD: What We Know and What We Don’t” by Ethan Russo: This book, written by a leading cannabis researcher, dives deeper into the scientific evidence surrounding CBD. It explores the current state of research, potential therapeutic applications, and ongoing studies. If you’re looking for a science-backed exploration of CBD, this book is your jam.
  • “CBD: The Art of Selfcare” by Emily Su: This book takes a holistic approach to incorporating CBD into your well-being routine. It offers practical tips on using CBD for stress management, sleep improvement, and enhancing your overall wellness. It’s perfect for those seeking to explore the potential of CBD beyond specific health conditions.
  • “The Cannabis Manifesto” by Steve DeAngelo: This book delves into the history and legal landscape of cannabis and CBD, offering a broader perspective on its place in society. While not solely focused on CBD, it provides valuable context for those wanting to understand CBD’s wider implications.


This is just a starting point! With so many great CBD books available, don’t be afraid to explore different titles based on your specific interests and learning style. And, as always, consult with a healthcare professional before making any major changes to your health routine.

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